David Game College
31 Jewry St, London, England EC3N 2ET, UK
David Game College
Klasseskemaet kan ændres afhængigt af tilgængelighed og tid på året.
Fees include tuition
(30 hours in Bristol - (age 13-17), 20 hours (age 7-12), 40 hours (Get ready for Medicine), accredited Be a leader programme, teaching materials, accommodation, food, laundry, insurance, airport transfers*, activities and trips.
*The transfer service only offered every two weeks (9th, 23rd of July and 6th and 20th August). Any transfers outside of these times incur extra fees.
Students take an exciting dive into A-Levels/IB in the subjects that YOU want to study. We offer Engagers an extensive range of academic subjects - any subject, any combination. Chose your subjects prior to arrival and we will write your individual timetable around these choices. This is the perfect course to prepare you for the A-Levels/IB or if you are in year 13 and you want to really get ready for your final exams.
Chose from the following:
- Applied Mathematics
- Art
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Design and Technology
- Economics business and entrepreneurship
- English
- Environmental systems and societies
- Essay Writing
- History and Politics
- Literature
- Media Studies
- Physics
- Presentation and Interviews
- Psychology
- Social studies
- Theory of knowledge
You will study 4 subjects per week and we will ask you to choose at least 8 so we can make sure you are always in a class that interests YOU.
In your lessons you will:
- improve your study skills
- experience the practical nature of the subject
- explore a range of different media and materials
- enjoy using modern technology
- explore a variety of cultures
- explore subjects in the context of their locality
- work together to help one another understand challenging concepts and functions.
International students should have at least a B2 level of English on the Common European Framework.
You are going see the UK through the eyes of a local and enjoy two full-day excursions every weekend plus two afternoon trips per week.
There’s so much to do in the fashionable and free-spirited city of Bristol. It’s no surprise that Banksy started life here with a can of spray paint. Take the acclaimed Banksy walking tour and discover some of the artist’s early work. Then there is the Clifton Suspension Bridge -a turning point in engineering that symbolises the city’s independent personality. Step back in time on SS Great Britiain, the world’s largest passenger ship between 1845 and1854. Don’t worry, if shopping is your thing, there will be ample opportunity to visit the illustrious Cabot Circus so you can shop till you drop!
Sidcot is located in an area of outstanding natural beauty so of course we are going to make the most of that. You’ll go hiking and caving in Cheddar Gorge, a national heritage site where the famous cheese is produced. Your Geography lessons will be brought to life when you observe the fascinating landscape and learn about its formation.
You’ll experience real adventure at Mendip Hills where your physical skills will be pushed to the limit with rock-climbing, caving, paddleboarding, kayaking and outdoor survival.
Weekend full day trips
No trip to the UK is complete without a visit to London. This is why we go to the capital every other weekend so regardless of your dates you’ll be guaranteed a visit. You see the world-famous museums, spend a king’s ransom in Harrods, admire the works of art in the National Gallery and explore the Southbank- home to Shakespeare’s Globe, Tate Modern, London Eye and Tower Bridge.
Alternative weekend trips include a trip to the charming university city of Oxford where you’ll rub shoulders with some of the biggest thinkers in the world. See for yourself if you want to study there in the future. Step into a Jane Austin novel when you visit the historical city of Bath and discover the Roman remains including the Temple of Sulis Minerva and the infamous baths complex. Or why not see if King Charles III is home when you visit Windsor- full mast means he’s home, half-mast means he out, or something sad/bad has happened. You will be able to enjoy a fossil hunt in the charming town of Lyme Regis on the Jurassic Coast and indulge in some real adventure and fun-fuelled times at Thorpe park, clip n climb and Dorset Adventure Park.
Gennemsnit | 10 elever |
Maksimum | 15 elever |
Aldersomfang | 10 - 18 ans |
Gennemsnit | 15 ans |
DG ligger i hjertet af London og er en af de mest populære skoler i UK. Skolen specialiserer sig i undervisning af Engelsk til udenlandske elever som dig. Skolens klassestørelse er også meget lille i forhold til ande skoler De har også meget venlige lærere og ansatte der vil tage god hånd om dig mens du er i London.
Nationalitet- og aldersblandingen på David Game College varierer over forskellige tidsperioder, kurser og niveauer. Gennem året, er den gennemsnitlige alder 15. Om sommeren er den gennemsnitlige alder 15.
Kollegieboliger er mere velegnede til en selvstuderende, der er på udkig efter ren, grundlæggende indkvartering til en økonomisk pris. Alle studerende skal være 12 - 18, medmindre andet er angivet. Dit boligvalg starter på søndag før din første dag i klassne og slutter om lørdagen efter din sidste dag i klassen, medmindre andet er angivet. Få flere oplysninger om studerendes ophold og overnatning
Student residence (on-campus) - Single-person room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Vi kan ikke ansøge om visa på vejne af elever. Men skolen kan give dig alt den dokumentation du skal bruge når du ansøger om dit visa.
Hvis du studerer i Storbritannien i over 11 måneder, vil du modtage et referencenummer kaldet en bekræftelse af accept for studier (CAS), som du skal indsende til det britiske ambassade sammen med din almindelige Student Visa ansøgning. Studerende, der med succes har booket et sprogkursus og har betalt deres honorarer vil modtage en CAS fra DG. Bemærk venligst, at den britiske lovgivning siger, at en CAS kun kan udstedes til studerende, der agter at følge engelske sprogstudier i over 11 måneder.
Hvis du studerer i Storbritannien i 11 måneder eller derunder, er du nødt til at ansøge om en særlig besøgende visa kaldes en Student besøgsvisa. Som besøgende, vil du ikke være i stand til at arbejde på deltid, mens de studerer. Hvis du planlægger at studere i Storbritannien i 11 måneder eller derunder, vil et brev om accept blive sendt til din hjemadresse med almindelig post uden omkostninger for dig.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to London based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studieophold i udlandet problemfri med Language Internationals sundheds og personlige effekter forsikringsdækning. Når du booker et kursus hos os, kan du vælge at købe en international forsikring, der dækker ikke kun dine sundhedsudgifter, men også tab af dine personlige ejendele. Du skal bestille din forsikring i forvejen når du tilmelder dig.
Har du spørgsmål? Få svar fra vores uddannelsesvejledere, ansatte på David Game College og tidligere studerende.
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