Sud-Ouest French Institute 64
13 Rue de Bouney, Anglet/Biarritz, 64600, France
Sud-Ouest French Institute 64
Lytte, Speaking, udtale, Reading, skrivning, ordforråd, grammatik og aktiviteter
SOFI 64 har ikke lektioner på feriedagene ovenover. Skolen kompenserer ikke for disse feriedage, så vær sikker på at du angiver din startdato korrekt.
Klasseskemaet kan ændres afhængigt af tilgængelighed og tid på året.
In addition to the standard course with an emphasis on oral expression.
Gennemsnit | 5 elever |
Maksimum | 8 elever |
Aldersomfang | 18 år og opefter |
Gennemsnit | 28 år gammel (22om sommeren) |
Sud-Ouest French Institute 64 har specialiseret sig i at undervise i fransk som fremmedsprog. Skolen ligger ideelt, kun få skridt fra Anglet/Biarritz smukke strande. Skolens centrale beliggenhed og de mange kurser gør det til et godt sted at studere fransk: eleverne kan vælge mellem almindelige fransk kurser på fransk & Surf kurser, og man kan vælge mellem nogle få lektioner per uge (soloundervisning) til 24 lektioner om ugen.
Vores pædagogiske tilgang, vores udstyr og tilpassede lokaler gør vores skole kan opfylde alle vores studerendes behov. Minimumsvarigheden for fransk kurser på SOFI 64 er en uges intensiv "franske" & "Standard & Soloundervisning" programmer. Minimum varighed for alle andre programmer er to uger, så er du sikker på at lære og forbedre deres franskkundskaber.
Vores undervisere er alle har fransk som modersmål. De er universitetsuddannede og har erfaring med undervisning i fransk som fremmedsprog i Frankrig og i udlandet.
SOFI 64 har faciliteter, bl.a. et spiserum, gratis internetadgang og en parkeringsplads.
Nationalitet- og aldersblandingen på Sud-Ouest French Institute 64 varierer over forskellige tidsperioder, kurser og niveauer. Gennem året, er den gennemsnitlige alder 28. Om sommeren er den gennemsnitlige alder 22.
SOFI 64 har studenter fra hele verden, inklusiv:
SOFI 64 har ikke lektioner på feriedagene. Skolen kompenserer ikke for disse feriedage, så vær sikker på at du angiver din startdato korrekt.
Sud-Ouest French Institute 64 ligger få skridt fra Anglet og Biarritz smukke strande. Det er lukket af busstoppesteder og til mange restauranter og butikker: Fransk bageri, pizzeriaer, delikatesse, kiosk, surf butikker, minimarked... Skolens centrale beliggenhed betyder, at du aldrig er mere end en kort gåtur fra alle de store aktiviteter i Biarritz.
My over all experience at the school was great! The environment felt so welcoming and friendly thanks to the teachers, the students and of course the two dogs and the cat. The schedule worked perfectly for me and I found the lessons very engaging and educative. My teacher did a great job with the variation of activities during the lessons and she really created a safe environment for me to find the courage to speak French. Another great thing was the combination of French and surf! The surf school was also a great place with wonderful and helpful people. The only complaint I have is the location of the French school which was a bit far from Biarritz, but still easy to reach though. I really enjoyed my two weeks at the school!
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Merci Elsa ! Pour nous aussi, c'était "great" de t'avoir à l'école avec nous.
On est contents que tu aies aimé l'école, les profs et les animaux. ;)
On espère que le reste de ton séjour se passe bien!
The classes were very well laid out. The content of what my French teacher, Talula, had in the classes was really good and usable. Talula was an encredible teacher with much patience! The location of the school was nice, close to the Beach with was very nice for us that surfed. And also that the school was lodade near les Alles in Anglet was a big +, great food. In the school you Felt like your were in somines Home, in a good way. I Felt very welcomed and at home from the start.
I loved that they baked on fridays, made the experienced a bit more personal and you really Felt taken cared of! Over all a great experience with the school and the program 'French and surf'.
Coucou Matilda ! Merci pour ces gentils mots. C'est vrai qu'on a de la chance d'être situés entre les Halles et la plage. :)
Je passerai le message à Thomas pour son goûter du vendredi, ça lui fera plaisir de savoir que tu as aimé ça!
À bientôt peut-être!
I was there for only two weeks in september/october, taking the course French intensif, 24 h pr week, level B1. It was great. Nice, very competent teacher. As it happened, my class had only three students, so that made learning even easier. Very good ambience in the school, and all together a good setting.
Vis detaljer » Læs mere...The classes were well structured and the teachers payed a lot of attention to your own personal needs and bottle necks. Not all teachers were as experienced with teaching people with my language background (English and Dutch i.e. Germanic), but there were others to fill in these gaps. Location is quiet and relaxed with plenty of activities to offer some variation. All in all, a great environment for learning !
Vis detaljer » Læs mere...The size of the class was perfect, just 6 students, so there was enough time and space to practice talking. The location was great, quiet, close to the sea, close to the accommodation. The teacher was awesome, she encouraged participation and tried to meet the needs of everyone. One could rent a bike there, sign up for Yoga classes and surf classes. Yoga was especially great for me. I was really satisfied with the host family, the guest mother was very talkative and interested in the students, dinner time was great for talking.
I actually expected to receive a book, so maybe it could be described in advance, that there is no book included in the price. Also, I thought the school was located directly in Biarritz, but it was in Anglet (another city). It was totally fine to be there in the end, but in the beginning I was a bit disappointed. So, also that should be pointed out in advance.
Sofi64 is a great school. Stephanie works everyday with a lot of enthusiasm even though she’s rather go surfing ;) There is a good atmosphere that invites to fun, but also a serious learning environment.
The schoo it self is light and clean - nice facilities, and close to the beach!
For surfing I recommend booking the lessons for a week of two to try it out. We were some people that were not always so satisfied with the teachers at the surf school.
The host family is a good opportunity to speak French outside of the school and to experience some French everyday culture first-hand.
Anglet is a nice city, not too big, not too small, and if you’re looking for a little shopping or other city activities Biarritz is just 15 minutes away.
I was fortunate to be assigned to Stephanie Houset's class. She is a gifted teacher, skilled at allowing and then correcting mistakes, blending grammatical subjects into conversation, and varying the assignments and homework. She is also funny, and fun to be with. A word of caution, however: students who had other teachers were less enthusiastic.
The school had just moved to new facilities, and they were pleasant.
My housing arrangements were excellent and my hostess went out of her way to show me the sights and make me feel comfortable and included.
Biarritz-Anglet-Bayonne is surely one of the most beautiful locations on earth.
I really liked the teachers and the location of the school!
It was a really nice experience!
The only thing to complain about: the classrooms are too small
I studied the intensive French Language course at SOFI 64 for 6 weeks with my teacher Steph. It was a great mixture of all of the elements of learning from the foundations upwards and despite it being intensive, it was always fun and informative and I came away from each day wanting to learn more and excited to get back into class the next day. I have to say that's genuinely a first for me looking forward to getting back into class. She tailored the programme perfectly to mine and the other students needs and was current, topical, attentive to both the individual and group needs of the class, fun and encouraging. I was lucky as the class size was perfect, just two of us for the first few weeks with the addition of just a few more for the last few weeks. Steph makes you feel so welcome and is keen to get you involved in the area she is so passionate about in Anglet and all aspects of the local and French culture. The area is beautiful and she knows everyone and everywhere and has one or two great surf spots up her sleeve. I've never met a more passionate teacher, with so much energy and enthusiasm. I can't thank her enough and highly recommend the school and Steph to anyone who's interested in progressing quickly with learning the French Language.
Vis detaljer » Læs mere...I enrolled with SOFI64 with the intention of finally getting a grasp on the French language after many failed attempts trying to learn in an English speaking country and with self-teaching methods. Not having the ability to name the days of the week or count past 10, I was hesitant that the lessons were taught only in French and wondered how I was ever going to learn anything. After 6 weeks, initially only booking for 5, I have completed my A1 level and able to understand and participate in social conversations. Just as important my reading and writing skills are far beyond my expectations after such a short time.
Stephanie is a sound professional with a unique personality which makes learning enjoyable and most importantly effective. Classes are small and the course is structured perfectly to allow for a very favourable study/life balance. Very important where there are miles of great beaches to be surfed.
From an absolute novice like I once was or for people who want to take their French to the next step, this is without a doubt the place to do it. And did I mention the beach is close?! Unreal.
If you want to improve your French, I strongly recommend to take a course at SOFI64 French language school!
It's a small school in Anglet/Biarritz, Basque Country, whose director has nine years of experience in teaching French to foreigners.
I took a one month course with Stéphanie, the director of the school, and I improved my French so much. Stéphanie is very nice and she's also a very good teacher.
The first week was very quiet (low season). We were two students at school with different levels of French (though not so different: A2 and B1), but Stéphanie chose different classes for us. I found this choice really professional.
Though I've chosen the course "Standard French", I luckily had a private tuition course for the same price.
Moreover, you have no additional costs for inscription and for host family researching.
The lessons were really interesting and let me progress very fast, even more than I thought.
If you really want to progress (outside the school), I recommend to choose the host family. My host family was really kind and helped me to improve my oral French.
Regarding the spare time, you can choose surfing, skating, taking excursions, or visiting Bayonne or Biarritz. The Basque Country is a wonderful place!
Besides, Stéphanie and my host family helped me in choosing how to spend my spare time.
It has been an unforgettable experience!
Si vous voulez perfectionner votre français, je vous conseille vivement un cours chez SOFI64!
Il s'agit d'une petite école située à Anglet/Biarritz, Pays Basque, dont la directrice a déjà neuf ans d'expérience dans l'enseignement du Français Langue Étrangère.
J'ai pris un mois de cours avec Stéphanie, la directrice de l'école, et mon français est beaucoup amélioré. Elle est très sympa et en même temps une très bonne prof.
La première semaine était très calme (après l’été). Il N’y avait que moi et une autre étudiante à l'école, mais, comme notre niveau était différent (pas trop: A2 et B1), Stéphanie ne nous a pas mis dans la même classe. J'ai trouvé ceci très professionnel.
Bref, quoique j'aie choisi le cours "Français Standard", j'ai pris un cours individuel pour le même prix.
De plus, on ne paye pas ni de frais d'inscription ni de frais de recherche pour famille d'accueil.
Les leçons étaient très intéressantes et m'ont permis de progresser très vite, et beaucoup plus que ce que j'espérais.
Si vous voulez vraiment progresser (au dehors de l'école) je vous conseille de choisir l'hébergement dans une famille d'accueil. Ma famille d'accueil était vraiment très gentille et m'a permis de perfectionner mon oral.
En ce qui concerne l'emploi du temps au dehors de l'école, vous n'avez qu'à choisir: surf, skate, randonnées, visiter Bayonne ou Biarritz...le Pays Basque est un lieu magnifique!
De plus, que ce soit Stéphanie ou la famille d'accueil, les deux m'ont beaucoup aidé à choisir à mieux employer mon temps libre.
C'était une expérience inoubliable!
Se volete migliorare il vostro francese, vi consiglio vivamente un corso alla scuola SOFI64!
Si tratta di una piccola scuola a Anglet/Biarritz, nei Paesi Baschi, la cui direttrice ha già nove anni di esperienza nell'insegnamento del francese agli stranieri.
Ho fatto un mese di corso con Stéphanie, la direttrice della scuola, e il mio francese è molto migliorato. Stéphanie è molto simpatica e allo stesso tempo un'ottima insegnante.
La prima settimana è stata molto tranquilla (bassa stagione). Eravamo solo due studenti in tutta la scuola, ma, dato che avevamo livelli diversi di francese (neanche troppo diversi: A2 e B1), Stéphanie non ci ha messo nella stessa classe. Ho trovato questa scelta molto professionale.
Quindi, nonostante io abbia scelto il corso "Francese Standard", ho fatto un corso individuale allo stesso prezzo.
Inoltre la scuola non ha costi aggiuntivi né per l'iscrizione né per la ricerca della famiglia ospitante.
Le lezioni sono state molto interessanti e mi hanno permesso di progredire molto velocemente, e molto più di quanto sperassi.
Se volete veramente progredire (al di fuori della scuola) vi consiglio di scegliere l'alloggio in famiglia. La mia famiglia ospitante è stata veramente gentile e mi ha aiutato a migliorare ancora di più il mio orale.
Per quanto riguarda il tempo libero, c'è l'imbarazzo della scelta: surf, skate, escursioni in montagna, visitare città come Bayonne o Biarritz….i Paesi Baschi sono un luogo magnifico!
Inoltre, sia Stéphanie che la famiglia ospitante mi hanno aiutato consigliandomi come meglio impiegare il mio tempo libero.
E' stata un'esperienza indimenticabile!
The classes were very good, almost personal classes because we were 5 or less students during the 3 months. Stephanie, the teacher, was really nice and a very good teacher. I learned a lot from her. The school is located in a plaza, were you have a bakery, pizzeria, market, and a variety of restaurants to choose from. Also, the beach is just five minutes away by bike. The facilities were small, but had everything one needed for receiving class: a blackboard, desks, French books, TV and DVD. It had three classrooms and one bathroom. During my three months, I surfed a lot, traveled around Europe, and made new friends. The lady with whom I stayed was really nice, caring, attentive and good to me.
Vis detaljer » Læs mere...Very nice staff, Stéphanie was helpful and skilled. I especially liked the location, close to my house and close to the beach. Surfing lessons were a big plus (only teaching would've been a bit boring maybe). The housing was nice. I did have to share the room in the 2nd week with another student without being told before, but overall this wasn't a problem.
Vis detaljer » Læs mere...Boliger vælges med omhu, og giver eleverne en større chance for at lære mere om den lokale kultur i et komfortabelt miljø, mens de studerer Fransk i Biarritz. Disse boliger er typisk 5 - 25 minutter væk fra skolen med offentlig transport. Familier har for det meste en spiseplan du har råd til. Hvis du har nogle specielle anmodninger, eller restriktioner (pga religion eller helbred) så informer os venligst på forhånd. Dit boligvalg starter på søndag før din første dag i klassne og slutter om lørdagen efter din sidste dag i klassen, medmindre andet er angivet. Lær mere om bolig
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
Homestay - 2-person shared room - Breakfast and dinner on weekdays, 3 meals on weekends - 2 students must book together
Vi kan ikke ansøge om visa på vejne af elever. Men skolen kan give dig alt den dokumentation du skal bruge når du ansøger om dit visa.
Deres brev om accept vil blive sendt til din hjemadresse med almindelig post uden omkostninger for dig. Hvis du ønsker at modtage dine papirer som ekspresforsendelse, vil du blive opkrævet 85 € når du tilmelder dig.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Biarritz based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studieophold i udlandet problemfri med Language Internationals sundheds og personlige effekter forsikringsdækning. Når du booker et kursus hos os, kan du vælge at købe en international forsikring, der dækker ikke kun dine sundhedsudgifter, men også tab af dine personlige ejendele. Du skal bestille din forsikring i forvejen når du tilmelder dig.
Har du spørgsmål? Få svar fra vores uddannelsesvejledere, ansatte på Sud-Ouest French Institute 64 og tidligere studerende.
Stil et spørgsmål
1. If Nuria needs a certificate showing that she studied 40 hours with us, she will get one. However, the program she chose (Intensive French 24) covers only 36 hours over 2
weeks. If she needs 40 hours, she will have a personalized program such as "Intensive French 28" which covers 40 hours. Price is not the same indeed.
2.If Nuria and her family need an apartment, we will find one for them. There is plenty of possibilities at that time of the year.
Sud-Ouest French Institute 64