Rose of York Language School
277-281 Oxford Street, London,, London, England W1C 2DL, UK
Rose of York Language School
Free gift for some courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Lytte, Speaking, udtale, Reading, skrivning, ordforråd og grammatik
You can choose from the following class times:
Klasseskemaet kan ændres afhængigt af tilgængelighed og tid på året.
The IELTS (International English Language Testing System) Preparation course prepares students to take
the IELTS exam and achieve their required score. This course focusses on the development of the necessary skills, functions and language required to succeed in the IELTS exam.
To supplement your learning and develop your core exam skills, why don’t you combine IELTS Preparation
with our Exam Skills and/or Writing Skills Booster classes?
The course aims to
• develop the techniques and strategies required to
complete the exam successfully
• study vocabulary and functions that enable students
to write a discursive academic essay and speak
about a selected topic for 2-3 minutes, among
other skills
• prepare students for the structure and demands of
the IELTS exam through regular practice tests
• evaluate progress and identify specific areas of
vocabulary, techniques and skills for improvement
to achieve the best score possible.
Gennemsnit | 8 elever |
Maksimum | 16 elever |
Aldersomfang | 16 år og opefter |
Gennemsnit | 25 år gammel (22om sommeren) |
Rose of York er et indbydende og venligt engelsk sprogskole i hjertet af London, som har leveret fremragende engelsk sprogkurser i over 26 år.
Vores primære mission er at hjælpe dig med at opnå en topplacering og færdighed i brugen af engelsk samtidig med at du nyder dit ophold i London.
Vores medarbejdere er meget venlige og altid glade og villige til at hjælpe dig.
Lærerne er engagerede, kvalificerede og erfarne engelsklærere, der har en passion og en vilje til at hjælpe dig med at lære engelsk på en sjov og styrkende måde.
Lærerne udvikle kurser at følge pensum samt under hensyntagen til behovene hos de studerende.
Rose of York har været at uddanne studerende med stor succes siden 1989.
Vi har en ægte vilje til at sikre, at du er studerende, lærer engelsk i et trygt, inkluderende miljø og drage fordel af alle de muligheder, du har her.
Den støtte personale er uddannede, erfarne og informativ.
Rose of York ligger i centrum af London og tilbyder eleverne en rig kulturel oplevelse samt give stimulerende, nyttigt, autentisk, sjov og kommunikativ undervisning, der kan hjælpe dig med at udvikle og se status for dine engelske sprogkundskaber.
Følg os på:
Vi håber du nyder dit ophold hos os!
Nationalitet- og aldersblandingen på Rose of York Language School varierer over forskellige tidsperioder, kurser og niveauer. Gennem året, er den gennemsnitlige alder 25. Om sommeren er den gennemsnitlige alder 22.
har studenter fra hele verden, inklusiv:
har ikke lektioner på feriedagene. Skolen kompenserer ikke for disse feriedage, så vær sikker på at du angiver din startdato korrekt.
Rose of York Sprogskole er et indbydende og venligt engelsk sprogskole i centrum af London, der er en fremragende engelsksproget undervisning i over 29 år.
Beliggende i Oxford Street, tilbyder vi studerende en rig kulturel oplevelse udover at levere spændende, nyttige, autentisk, sjov og kommunikativ undervisning til at hjælpe dem med at udvikle deres engelskkundskaber og fremskridt
Here is the translation of your description into English:
My overall experience at this institution was positive, but there were also some areas that could be improved. Let’s start with what I liked:
**Working atmosphere and group**
The working atmosphere was really great. I was fortunate to be surrounded by a serious and motivated group. This greatly facilitated exchanges and learning. The course format was well-suited, allowing us to progress in a structured and effective manner.
The teachers were competent and engaging. They knew how to make the classes interesting and interactive, which really helped to maintain a good learning pace. Their teaching approach was adapted to our level and needs.
However, there were some aspects that could have been better managed:
**Start of the courses**
We did not receive clear instructions regarding the start of the courses, which resulted in a lost day. This was a bit frustrating, as better guidance from the beginning could have avoided this kind of misunderstanding.
**Location and directions**
Another negative point was the confusion related to the two school sites on Oxford Street. It wasn’t clearly indicated that the school had two sites, leading to unnecessary trips and wasted time. Better communication about this would have been appreciated.
Regarding the facilities, I found that the classrooms were sometimes a bit cramped. This made the sessions a bit less comfortable, especially when there were a lot of students. Despite this, the overall organization of the courses made up for the lack of space.
In summary, despite some inconveniences related to the organization, the experience was enriching thanks to the excellent working atmosphere and the quality of the teachers. There is definitely room for improvement, but the positive aspects far outweigh the negative ones.
It was a wonderful experience, as I felt an improvement in my level, and this was due to the teachers’ ability to communicate the idea in a simple manner. I addition the location is Excellent.
Vis detaljer » Læs mere...It was good and central location. I was happy not to have any homework.
The teacher had a hard time with many students as they watched videos on their phone and ate all the time during class. The didn’t manage the class. The other things were ok.
I didnt learn anything new but it was ok.
I liked ti very much the location of the school, the hot chocolate at the end of the lèssons and the facilities.
I thank everything was ok
I liked everything about the school. My classmates were great. My teacher was funny and lessons were interesting. There is nothing that i didn’t like.
Vis detaljer » Læs mere...I enjoyed the stay in Rose of York Lg School. The level of the group I attended was appropriate for me. In case the level was to low or to high there was possibility to change the group. The school offered so called grammar boosters, where you coud improve your grammar skills. I found this really useful. The atmosphere during the classes was relaxing and the teacher was friendly and charismatic. We did the lessons according to the course book but the teacher gave us additional copies to develop the topic of the lessons. What I also found interesting was the opportunity to get to know people from all over the world. Thanks to this fact we could exchange information about our L1, culture and habits. I spent there one week so I can't say anything about after school activities since there weren't any offered to me. The location of the school on Oxford Street near shops and the Tube is also worth mentioning.
Vis detaljer » Læs mere...I have finished a 4 weeks IELTS + GE course. It had been a totally incredible experience for me. The first few days had some confusion about which classes I needed to be in, but all the staff was really nice and willing to help sort it out. It isn't a very big school but warm and cozy like a big family. Almost everyday I arrived half an hour before the class and teacher and staff were keeping me company and talked to me about my days. All the teachers and classmates were really nice. Class atmosphere was comfortable and open-minded. It was one of the best experiences in my life. Zero regret for this decision.
Vis detaljer » Læs mere...The first thing I would like to say is that Rose of York's premises is very nice, cleaner, and more comfortable. Everywhere you are in their rooms, you get a good feeling about areas.
The support is responsive and effective, every time they come back to you, asking you about things you need else, to help you to improve your learning and give some needed advice.
For the class lessons, teachers have really good experience in teaching, they speak the British as a native language as they do and they try faithfully to understand what you need to know and help you to do this by yourself and they use several useful rules in teaching grammar.
For housing, I did it myself before I went to London. But to open my bank account, of course, school support gives me hep and I dit it easily.
Due to the coronavirus pandemics, all social activities are stoped, but the teacher and support agents advise me if I need to visit some areas like a park or some famous places like The London Tower, the trip by boat on the Thames. I did these visits so that I always was discovering things that I never expected to see before.
I have been in London in April 2011, for a short time to participate in a conference organized by President Paul Kagame, from Rwanda. Of course, this trip was for me to discover London City more than to be able to understand what people were toking about because the conference was in English. Whether it was now, of course, I would understand many things they were toking about.
I would like to specify that Rose of York school is located on Oxford Street, of course, this place is very nice, known by people because many shops and supermarkets in London are setting on this street.
For me it’s okay.
Every thing good , because the location fantastic and very good for the students.
Boliger vælges med omhu, og giver eleverne en større chance for at lære mere om den lokale kultur i et komfortabelt miljø, mens de studerer Engelsk i London. Disse boliger er typisk 30 - 60 minutter væk fra skolen med offentlig transport. Familier har for det meste en spiseplan du har råd til. Hvis du har nogle specielle anmodninger, eller restriktioner (pga religion eller helbred) så informer os venligst på forhånd. Dit boligvalg starter på søndag før din første dag i klassne og slutter om lørdagen efter din sidste dag i klassen, medmindre andet er angivet. Lær mere om bolig
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast and dinner
Homestay - Single-person room - Breakfast, lunch, and dinner
Kollegieboliger er mere velegnede til en selvstuderende, der er på udkig efter ren, grundlæggende indkvartering til en økonomisk pris. Alle studerende skal være 16+, medmindre andet er angivet. Dit boligvalg starter på søndag før din første dag i klassne og slutter om lørdagen efter din sidste dag i klassen, medmindre andet er angivet. Kollegieboliger indeholder ofte ikke nogen kostplan. Få flere oplysninger om studerendes ophold og overnatning
Student residence (off-campus) - Single-person room - No meals
Vi kan ikke ansøge om visa på vejne af elever. Men skolen kan give dig alt den dokumentation du skal bruge når du ansøger om dit visa.
Hvis du studerer i Storbritannien i over 11 måneder, vil du modtage et referencenummer kaldet en bekræftelse af accept for studier (CAS), som du skal indsende til det britiske ambassade sammen med din almindelige Student Visa ansøgning. Studerende, der med succes har booket et sprogkursus og har betalt deres honorarer vil modtage en CAS fra . Bemærk venligst, at den britiske lovgivning siger, at en CAS kun kan udstedes til studerende, der agter at følge engelske sprogstudier i over 11 måneder.
Hvis du studerer i Storbritannien i 11 måneder eller derunder, er du nødt til at ansøge om en særlig besøgende visa kaldes en Student besøgsvisa. Som besøgende, vil du ikke være i stand til at arbejde på deltid, mens de studerer. Hvis du planlægger at studere i Storbritannien i 11 måneder eller derunder, vil et brev om accept blive sendt til din hjemadresse med almindelig post uden omkostninger for dig.
Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to London based on your budget, schedule and preferences.
Studieophold i udlandet problemfri med Language Internationals sundheds og personlige effekter forsikringsdækning. Når du booker et kursus hos os, kan du vælge at købe en international forsikring, der dækker ikke kun dine sundhedsudgifter, men også tab af dine personlige ejendele. Du skal bestille din forsikring i forvejen når du tilmelder dig.
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