Summer course

Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School



Lytte, Speaking, udtale, Reading, ordforråd, grammatik og aktiviteter


Sprogkursets varighed
3 uger
Hver Mandag
Timer per uge
24 lessons per week (hver lektion varer 45 min)
Mandag - lørdag
28 sep 2024 - 15 okt 2024, 21 dec 2024 - 06 jan 2025, 18 feb 2025 - 31 mar 2025

Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School har ikke lektioner på feriedagene ovenover. Skolen kompenserer ikke for disse feriedage, så vær sikker på at du angiver din startdato korrekt.


Morgen session
09:20 - 12:50
13:20 - 17:00

Klasseskemaet kan ændres afhængigt af tilgængelighed og tid på året.

Beskrivelse af sprogkursus

At Shinjuku Gyoen Academy’s summer course, students learn basic Japanese in the morning, and then participate in cultural experience activities in the afternoon to explore Japanese culture.
There are also sightseeing activities in Tokyo attractions. For example: interesting cultural experiences such as tea ceremony, taiko drumming, wagashi making, wearing yukata, etc. We will also take you to Shinjuku, Asakusa, Roppongi and other places to browse popular tourist attractions in Tokyo.

*The cost does not include air tickets, transportation fees, food expenses while staying in Japan, overseas travel accident insurance (please be sure to sign up for insurance in your own country) and other personal expenses.
*This course does not provide student dormitories and airport pick-up services.


Du skal tage en placeringstest på din første dag, for at bestemme dit niveau Du kan også tage denne test før din ankomst i Tokyo.

Klassens størrelse

Gennemsnit 16 elever
Maksimum 18 elever


Aldersomfang 16 år og opefter
Gennemsnit 24 år gammel
(18om sommeren)


Et diplom vil blive uddelt i slutningen af sprogkurset.
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  • Reception til Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 1/17
  • Anden 2/17
  • Bygning til Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 3/17
  • Elever på Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 4/17
  • Klasselokale på Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 5/17
  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 6/17
  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 7/17
  • 1-on 1 klasser på Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 8/17
  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 9/17
  • Kollegium tilbudt af Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 10/17
  • Kollegium tilbudt af Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 11/17
  • Kollegium tilbudt af Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 12/17
  • Kollegium tilbudt af Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 13/17
  • Kollegium tilbudt af Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 14/17
  • Kollegium tilbudt af Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 15/17
  • Kollegium tilbudt af Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 16/17
  • Kollegium tilbudt af Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School 17/17


80% anbefaler

baseret på 5 anmeldelser
5 stjerner
4 stjerner
3 stjerner
2 stjerner
1 stjerne
Kvalitet af undervisning
Sociale aktiviteter
Skolens lokation

"An unforgettable experience"

Isobel Wilson, student fra UK

I had a fantastic time at Shinjuku Gyoen Language School. As it was my first time in Japan, I was nervous to start school and to speak Japanese, but felt instantly at home from the kindness of the teachers and my classmates. I was assigned to a class where I felt comfortable but challenged enough that I could learn lots of new material. The classes were all in Japanese, so I found myself learning a lot very quickly. The teachers were enthusiastic about teaching, which made class incredibly engaging. They were so kind and patient when I had questions. I also really enjoyed getting to know my classmates from lots of different countries as we studied Japanese together. This school provided a really unique opportunity to make friends from all over the world.

The school was in a fantastic location, being very close to Shinjuku station, which made going out to explore Tokyo after class very convenient. My dormitory was also only a 20 minute walk from school. It was fantastic to experience living so close to the heart of Tokyo.

I will truly cherish the memories I made at Shinjuku Gyoen Gakuin, and if I had the opportunity I would love to return in future. I really encourage anyone who would like to come to Japan and learn Japanese in a supportive environment to consider this school.

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Min bedømmelse for denne skole

Kvalitet af undervisning
Sociale aktiviteter
Skolens lokation
Varighed af studie
3 uger
Dato for studie
17 Jun 2024 - 12 Jul 2024
Vilel du anbefale denne skole?
Dette er en verificeret anmeldelse. Denne studerende har reserveret et kursus på denne skole gennem Language International.

"It's an authentic experience."

Chris Eduard Grefaldeo, student fra Irland

They accommodate you based on your Japanese ability, they rarely use English so it helps promote your Japanese learning and all the staff are friendly.

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Min bedømmelse for denne skole

Kvalitet af undervisning
Sociale aktiviteter
Skolens lokation
Varighed af studie
3 uger
Dato for studie
3 Jun 2024 - 27 Jun 2024
Vilel du anbefale denne skole?
Dette er en verificeret anmeldelse. Denne studerende har reserveret et kursus på denne skole gennem Language International.

"Very friendly but a few problems"

Jacob Layet, student fra UK

The teachers were all very friendly and nice but I would have appreciated if they controlled the class more. There was a group of students who would always disrupt the class and it was quite frustrating.
I would have appreciated being treated more like an adult than a child student (eg our phones were taken off us at the start of every class which I could have used to enhance my learning experience)

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Min bedømmelse for denne skole

Kvalitet af undervisning
Sociale aktiviteter
Skolens lokation
Varighed af studie
3 uger
Dato for studie
21 Nov 2022 - 16 Dec 2022
Vilel du anbefale denne skole?
Dette er en verificeret anmeldelse. Denne studerende har reserveret et kursus på denne skole gennem Language International.

"Place to meet amazing people and make a lot of memories, while studying"

Patrik Kořínek, student fra Tjekkiske Republik

I've attended this school for two months and would absolutely recommend it. Teachers were very kind, helpful and friendly. Slight downside is, not all of them speak English, so I would be nervous about attending this school as an absolute beginner (I've attended N4 level course. It is possible all the English speaking teachers are in the N5 beginner course, I do not know). However for people with some Japanese knowledge, not being able to always use English will provide an additional motivation to learn Japanese.

School's location is fantastic. Just a short walk to Shinjuku station. There are many restaurants, stores and interesting places around. And if you need to get somewhere, a metro station is also very close.

Accommodations provided by the school were fine. Again, great location, but they are basically dorms. Very much depends on who are the flat mates/roommates. From my experience it is comparable to bunking with a bunch of university students (but with less alcohol). Great opportunity for making friends and learn about other cultures.

As the school mentions, most other students are east Asian. They are not kidding. There were many interesting and fun people.

Overall my two months at this school were amazing. I enjoyed the classes, teachers and other activities (tea ceremony demonstration, origami beyblade contest, how to onigiri class...). I made many great memories and will miss people I met there.

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Min bedømmelse for denne skole

Kvalitet af undervisning
Sociale aktiviteter
Skolens lokation
Varighed af studie
7 uger
Dato for studie
10 Oct 2022 - 2 Dec 2022
Vilel du anbefale denne skole?
Dette er en verificeret anmeldelse. Denne studerende har reserveret et kursus på denne skole gennem Language International.

"The friendliest studying atmosphere."

Ryan Chui

I am currently on the private 1 on 1 Japanese class. My teacher is very kind and nice to me, the staffs in the school also helped me a lot to adapt to the Japanese life. The location of the school is also an advantage of this school, it is located in the central of Shinjuku and it is right next to Shinjuku Gyoen. There are many shops and restaurants nearby, so it is a very convenient place for students to stay at. The school also provide housing for students nearby Shinjuku Gyoen. You will definitely feel grateful to be studying here because of the staffs and teachers here to help you.

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Min bedømmelse for denne skole

Kvalitet af undervisning
Sociale aktiviteter
Skolens lokation
Varighed af studie
71 uger
Dato for studie
17 Feb 2020 - 30 Jun 2021
Vilel du anbefale denne skole?


Shinjuku Gyoen Japanese Language School tilbyder disse boligtype:

Kollegium - 2-person delt værelse - Ingen måltider

kr 1,068

Student residence (off-campus) - 2-person shared room - No meals

Aldersomfang: 18 år og opefter
Sted: In the city center of Tokyo
Boligtype: Kollegium (off-campus)
Værelsestype: 2-person delt værelse
Måltider: Ingen måltider
Faciliteter: Køkken, tøjvask, trådløst internet, gratis internet, klimaanlæg, og varme
Afstand til skole: 3 - 15 minut med walk
Tilgængelighed: januar - december
Ankomstdag: Mandag, efter 12:00
Afrejsedagen: fredag, før 12:00
kr 1,068
Student residences are recommended for people who want to live near the school and live in Shinjuku and more contact with other students during their stay.
What is Shinjuku?
The most downtown area in Tokyo.
About 10 minutes walk from the nearest station, Shinjuku Gyoenmae Station.
Shopping, libraries, banks and hospitals are all within walking distance.
Shinjuku Station has 5 routes, and it is very convenient for transportation.
Around the station, the atmosphere of a lively city continues over a wide area.
Underground corridors are lined up to visit north and south of the station and the surrounding stations.
It is a multinational city where many foreigners are sightseeing and many foreigners are working.

Kollegium - 4-person delt værelse - Ingen måltider

kr 855

Student residence (off-campus) - 4-person shared room - No meals

Aldersomfang: 18 år og opefter
Sted: In the city center of Tokyo
Boligtype: Kollegium (off-campus)
Værelsestype: 4-person delt værelse
Måltider: Ingen måltider
Faciliteter: Køkken, tøjvask, trådløst internet, gratis internet, klimaanlæg, og varme
Afstand til skole: 3 - 15 minut med walk
Tilgængelighed: januar - december
Ankomstdag: Mandag, efter 12:00
Afrejsedagen: fredag, før 12:00
kr 855
Student residences are recommended for people who want to live near the school and live in Shinjuku and more contact with other students during their stay.
What is Shinjuku?
The most downtown area in Tokyo.
About 10 minutes walk from the nearest station, Shinjuku Gyoenmae Station.
Shopping, libraries, banks and hospitals are all within walking distance.
Shinjuku Station has 5 routes, and it is very convenient for transportation.
Around the station, the atmosphere of a lively city continues over a wide area.
Underground corridors are lined up to visit north and south of the station and the surrounding stations.
It is a multinational city where many foreigners are sightseeing and many foreigners are working.

You can watch a video about our student residence on the following link:

Visa support

Vi kan ikke ansøge om visa på vejne af elever. Men skolen kan give dig alt den dokumentation du skal bruge når du ansøger om dit visa.

Deres brev om accept vil blive sendt til din hjemadresse med almindelig post uden omkostninger for dig. Hvis du ønsker at modtage dine papirer som ekspresforsendelse, vil du blive opkrævet ¥ 3,000 når du tilmelder dig.

Fly og lufthavnstransport

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Tokyo based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Studieophold i udlandet problemfri med Language Internationals sundheds og personlige effekter forsikringsdækning. Når du booker et kursus hos os, kan du vælge at købe en international forsikring, der dækker ikke kun dine sundhedsudgifter, men også tab af dine personlige ejendele. Du skal bestille din forsikring i forvejen når du tilmelder dig.

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