Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting

V Business Center (VBC), Teebah Complex, Princess Zeinab Street, Khalda, Amman, Jordan

Alle kurser

Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting tilbyder disse sprogkursustyper:

starter ved
kr 2,001

starter ved
kr 2,001

starter ved
kr 2,001

starter ved
kr 2,216

starter ved
kr 2,216

starter ved
kr 2,216

starter ved
kr 2,287

starter ved
kr 2,287

starter ved
kr 2,287

starter ved
kr 3,931

starter ved
kr 4,217

starter ved
kr 2,001

starter ved
kr 2,001

starter ved
kr 2,001

starter ved
kr 2,073


  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 1/50
  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 2/50
  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 3/50
  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 4/50
  • Classes at Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 5/50
  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 6/50
  • City of Amman 7/50
  • 1-on 1 klasser på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 8/50
  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 9/50
  • Klasselokale på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 10/50
  • Classes at Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 11/50
  • Klasselokale på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 12/50
  • Klasselokale på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 13/50
  • Training programs to teach Arabic to non-native speakers 14/50
  • Training programs to teach Arabic to non-native speakers 15/50
  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 16/50
  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 17/50
  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 18/50
  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 19/50
  • Tilbudte aktiviteter på Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 20/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 21/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 22/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 23/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 24/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 25/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 26/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 27/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 28/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 29/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 30/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 31/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 32/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 33/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 34/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 35/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 36/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 37/50
  • Apartments offered by Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 38/50
  • Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 39/50
  • Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 40/50
  • Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 41/50
  • Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 42/50
  • Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 43/50
  • Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 44/50
  • Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 45/50
  • Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 46/50
  • Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 47/50
  • Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 48/50
  • Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 49/50
  • Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting 50/50


100% anbefaler

baseret på 3 anmeldelser
5 stjerner
4 stjerner
3 stjerner
2 stjerner
1 stjerne
Kvalitet af undervisning
Sociale aktiviteter
Skolens lokation

"I always look forward to the new lessons and I feel like every time I am learning something new!"

Nele Hubert

I really like that there is a "book" to the program. That helps to follow the content of the classes and write down stuff as well. I like that we are slowly progressing and always repeating at the beginning of each lesson what we did last time. I like that a lesson is 1:15h long, because one hour would be too little but 1:30h too long to concentrate. Sometimes I would like to speak even more to practice the oral pronounciations even more. Maybe a vocabulary list/book with all the new words would help as well to keep track of the new words and to repeat them at home. I like that I get homework because that makes me practice regularly. Also I like that Inas is always available on whatsapp because that helps for questions. I really want to continue online!

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Min bedømmelse for denne skole

Kvalitet af undervisning
Varighed af studie
9 uger
Dato for studie
14 May 2024 - 18 Jul 2024
Vilel du anbefale denne skole?

"Amazing lessons with up-to-date topics and flexible schedule!"

Zahra Boldis

I would sas I am absolutely satisfied with the high quality of the lessons. With my private online teacher - Ghufran Othman - I feel my speaking skills have developped a great deal and now I am not hesitant any more to speak in Arabic.

It is deffinitely a great thing that the lessons are accustomed to the student’s schedule. It had never been a problem to reschedule a class and my teacher is flexible about the duration of the lessons as well.

The topics we discuss during the classes are nevet boring. I highly value that I could get to know the Jordanian culture and got an insight into their mentality.

The setup of a regular class is amazing. We learn form videos, recordings, there are always listening exercises, interesing slides with interactive activities and so on.

Within less than two years, my Arabic polished a lot many thanks to the method my teacher teaches me. I hope to continue like this and without any hesitation I can hiighly recommend taking Arabic classes with these skilled tuitors!

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Min bedømmelse for denne skole

Kvalitet af undervisning
Sociale aktiviteter
Skolens lokation
Varighed af studie
90 uger
Dato for studie
16 Oct 2022 - 13 Jul 2024
Vilel du anbefale denne skole?

"دروسي مع ايناس هي أبرز أسبوعي"

Delaney Soliday

بستفيد من تعليمكن بشغلي كل يوم, شكرا الكن من قلبي وبتمنى اشوفكن لما أزور الاردن بالمستقبل

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Min bedømmelse for denne skole

Kvalitet af undervisning
Sociale aktiviteter
Skolens lokation
Varighed af studie
49 uger
Dato for studie
1 Aug 2023 - 11 Jul 2024
Vilel du anbefale denne skole?


Levant tilbyder disse boligtype:

Lejlighed - 2-person delt værelse - Ingen måltider

kr 572

Shared apartment - 2-person shared room - No meals

Aldersomfang: 18 år og opefter
Adresse: Amman - Jabal Alweibdeh - st.N3, Amman , Jabal Alweibdeh 02142, Amman - Jordan
Sted: In the city center of Amman
Boligtype: Delelejlighed
Værelsestype: 2-person delt værelse
Måltider: Ingen måltider
Faciliteter: Privat badeværelse, køkken, tøjvask, trådløst internet, gratis internet, tV-stue, tæppe, klimaanlæg, varme, 24/7 overvågning, have, og andre
Afstand til skole: 2 - 20 minut med walk
Tilgængelighed: januar - december
Ankomstdag: fredag, efter 04:00
Afrejsedagen: fredag, før 11:00
kr 572
Homestays are carefully selected and offer students the opportunity to learn more about the local culture in a comfortable setting while studying English in London. These homes are often between 25-50 minutes away from the school by public transport. Families usually offer affordable meal plans that allow you to sample the local cuisine. If you have special requests or diet restrictions (because of religion or health reasons), please let us know in advance. Students must be 16 years old and older.

Lejlighed - Enkeltværelse - Ingen måltider

kr 1,001

Shared apartment - Single-person room - No meals

Aldersomfang: 18 år og opefter
Adresse: Amman - Jabal Alweibdeh - st.N3, Amman , Jabal Alweibdeh 02142, Amman - Jordan
Sted: In the city center of Amman
Boligtype: Delelejlighed
Værelsestype: Enkeltværelse
Måltider: Ingen måltider
Faciliteter: Privat badeværelse, køkken, tøjvask, trådløst internet, gratis internet, tV-stue, tæppe, klimaanlæg, varme, 24/7 overvågning, have, og andre
Afstand til skole: 2 - 20 minut med walk
Tilgængelighed: januar - december
Ankomstdag: fredag, efter 04:00
Afrejsedagen: fredag, før 11:00
kr 1,001
Homestays are carefully selected and offer students the opportunity to learn more about the local culture in a comfortable setting while studying English in London. These homes are often between 25-50 minutes away from the school by public transport. Families usually offer affordable meal plans that allow you to sample the local cuisine. If you have special requests or diet restrictions (because of religion or health reasons), please let us know in advance. Students must be 16 years old and older.

Visa support

Vi kan ikke ansøge om visa på vejne af elever. Men skolen kan give dig alt den dokumentation du skal bruge når du ansøger om dit visa.

Et brev om optagelse vil blive sendt til din adresse uden nogen omkostninger for dig.

Fly og lufthavnstransport

Please note that we do not book flights for our students. If you are researching airfare costs, we recommend using Kayak.com, a search engine that lets you compare flight options from your home country to Amman based on your budget, schedule and preferences.


Studieophold i udlandet problemfri med Language Internationals sundheds og personlige effekter forsikringsdækning. Når du booker et kursus hos os, kan du vælge at købe en international forsikring, der dækker ikke kun dine sundhedsudgifter, men også tab af dine personlige ejendele. Du skal bestille din forsikring i forvejen når du tilmelder dig.

Læs mere om vores forsikringsplan »

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V Business Center (VBC), Teebah Complex, Princess Zeinab Street, Khalda


Skolens lokation

Levant Programs / Levant for Training and Consulting is located in several locations in the heart of Jordan's capital city, Amman. Our main offices are located in Khalda, a quiet, upscale residential neighborhood in western Amman. Our other locations include Abdoun, a bustling, expat-friendly area of the city, as well as Shmeisani, which is located near Jabal al-Weibdeh, an older neighborhood near Amman's center where many expatriates choose to live. We also have offices and classrooms at King Hussein Business Park and next to the University of Jordan, the country's oldest and most prestigious university. We are thus equipped to bring our highly acclaimed language courses directly to your doorsteps, wherever you choose to live. In other words, you can rest assured that the Levant is located near you!


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