Orange County identificerer sig selv ved sin county navn i stedet for en større by. Der er ingen definerede bycenter til Orange County (alias 'The O.C.'), og det er næsten ensartet forstæder. Det er en berømt turistattraktion og er hjem til sådanne attraktioner som Disneyland og Knott's Berry Farm; Det har sandstrande til badning og surfing, yacht havne for sejlads og fornøjelse sejlsport samt omfattende områder, parker og åbne plads til golf, tennis, vandring, kajak, cykling, skateboarding, og andre friluftsliv. Orange County er også center of Southern California's Tech kyst, med Irvine, som er den primære forretning hub. Der er 4 skole pauser i løbet af året: Forår Sommerferien Efterårsferie Vinterpausen Elever på sprog systemer nyder en bred vifte af aktiviteter såsom at lave film med vores gruppe filmprojekt, gå til vores årlige Beach, Luau og Halloween partier og konkurrerer i vores fodbold, basketball, beachvolley og bowling turneringer. 2019 start datoer: Vinter udsigt: 2 januar 2019 (a-Session) 4 februar 2019 (Session B) 4 marts 2019 (Session C) Forår udsigt: 1 April 2019 (Session A) 29 April 2019 (Session B) 28 maj 2019 (Session C) Sommer udsigt: 24 juni 2019 (Session A) 22 juli 2019 (Session B) 19 August 2019 (Session C) Efterår udsigt: 23 September 2019 (Session A) 21 oktober 2019 (Session B) 18 November 2019 (Session C)
IRVINE CAMPUS Kendt i hele USA for dets høje standard of living og offentlig sikkerhed. Kun 10 minutter væk fra Newport Beach, Laguna Beach og Stillehavet. Home Premium til bofællesskaber, fremragende skoledistrikter, prestigefyldte Universiteter, populære erhvervskvarterer, og adskillige virksomheder på Fortune. Som det sydlige Californiens "Silicon Valley" Irvine er hjemsted for nogle af verdens største og mest kendte teknologi og IT-virksomheder. Hvis du er en forretningsmand med parallelle studier, Irvine campus'er for dig.
Westcliff University er at tilbyde kvalitetsundervisning til studerende, der ønsker at komme i den hastigt voksende inden for erhvervsliv og uddannelse. Universitetet ligger i Irvine, CA og Cerritos, CA. Westcliff University, der har fået sin første godkendelse med præsidiet for alle Postsecondary Education in 1993, og tilbyder forskellige programmer i College af Business og uddannelse. Westcliff Universitet er akkrediteret af den vestlige Sammenslutningen af skoler og gymnasier Senior Universiter WSCUC (Kommissionen). Westcliff Universitet er akkrediteret af fjernundervisning akkreditering (DEAC) og er noteret på Rådet for højere uddannelse akkreditering (CHEA) liste over akkrediterede universiteter. Westcliff universitetets curriculum består af både bachelor og master uddannelser i Erhvervslivet og uddannelsesinstitutioner samt andre certifikat programmer. Mens nogle skoler kun underviser i teoretiske begreber, Westcliff University forbereder de studerende til de praktiske og teoretiske elementer, der kræves på arbejdsmarkedet i dag. Westcliff University tilbyder fuldtidsarbejde studerende en mulighed for at tilmelde dig innovative campus og online undervisning kurser der er nem og billig. Westcliff Universitet understreger vigtigheden af at forberede eleverne personligt, fagligt og professionelt. For at sikre programmerne er nyskabende, tidssvarende og af høj kvalitet, har universitetet et Program Advisory Council, som omfatter topledere fra virksomheder, herunder Google, Deloitte, Cox Communications, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi, CATESOL, University of California af præsidenten, og Hyundai, samt lokale virksomheder og organisationer
Our job as ESL educators goes far beyond simply teaching English. Its one thing to teach a student English, but it is a completely different thing to teach them the experience of English. With a forward-thinking attitude, we are constantly striving to be at the forefront of the latest technology and learning methodologies in the industry. Our curriculum is structured on a blended learning model, one that is heavily e-based and fully corpora informed. In so doing, we are able to flip our classrooms, allowing our students to dictate their own education and interact with the language as they learn it. We strongly believe in providing an authentic education, one that simulates English in action, as it exists today. It is our goal as an institution to ensure that, upon completing our program, our students have reached levels of proficiency that meet or exceed CERF standards. More importantly, however, it is our goal to endow them with capability to practically apply those skills in future pursuits, whatever they may be.
American English Language School is situated in Brea, strategically positioned on the border between Los Angeles and Orange County. Our school's prime location, coupled with our comprehensive ESL and TOEFL courses, makes it an ideal destination for English language studies. We pride ourselves on offering small class sizes with 100% native-speaker faculty. Our focus is on maintaining an average of 5-6 students per class, with a maximum of 8 students. This approach fosters conversation-oriented classes that encourage active participation and provide immediate feedback from English teachers, thereby maximizing learning efficiency.
American English Language School is situated in Brea, strategically positioned on the border between Los Angeles and Orange County. Our school's prime location, coupled with our comprehensive ESL and TOEFL courses, makes it an ideal destination for English language studies. We pride ourselves on offering small class sizes with 100% native-speaker faculty. Our focus is on maintaining small class sizes. This approach fosters conversation-oriented classes that encourage active participation and provide immediate feedback from English teachers, thereby maximizing learning efficiency.
YES USA runs amazing fully-inclusive Junior Camp programs for 12-19 year old students. The program includes 24/7 supervision, English classes, accommodations, full board, daily excursions, entry fees, and local transportation. Classes Students will have 20 academic hours (15 clock hours) of English lessons weekly, from Monday to Friday, with our highly-qualified and experienced teachers. We use cutting-edge techniques to help students improve their fluency and accuracy in speaking. Not only do learners improve their English but also have fun doing it by holding interesting and motivating discussions with their instructor and classmates, playing educational games, and learning about life in the USA and Los Angeles in particular. After class, the learning continues as students continue to speak English with their activity leaders, and each other, as they enjoy our rich and exciting excursion program. Campers are strongly encouraged to use English at all times and practice using what they learned in class in real-life situations during trips and social activities. Accommodations Students live in a modern suite-style residence hall, which throughout the academic year houses students from Concordia University Irvine and YES USA students during the summer. Excursions Our excursion program is packed with activities to entertain and educate students when they are not in class allowing them to see the very best of California. Our students get to see everything vibrant California has to offer. Students will visit the iconic areas of Beverly Hills, Rodeo Drive, the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and the Hollywood Sign. There are also opportunities to shop at the Irvine Spectrum Center and South Coast Plaza as well as see beautiful beaches such as Laguna, Newport, and the Santa Monica Pier. Daily activities and excursions have been carefully selected to be not only educational but exciting at the same time. Our enthusiastic staff members love their jobs and are always happy to share their knowledge of the city, American life, and history with our students. Every single day campers will be able to practice their English in real-life situations in more informal settings while they are out exploring the fascinating city of Los Angeles and making lasting friendships.
Learn English at Alpadia Los Angeles Whittier and discover a welcoming campus town between bustling Los Angeles and beautiful Orange County. Experienced teachers will help you to build your English language skills through fun class projects, like putting on a fashion show or filming and editing your own video. You’ll be able to put the new English grammar and vocabulary you’ve learned into practice during exciting activities in Los Angeles and trips to nearby cities.
Founded in 1982, LASC is a leading institution for Intensive English Programs with campuses in Los Angeles, Irvine, and Rowland Heights. LASC is accredited by ACCET (Accrediting Council for Continuing Education & Training), a US Department of Education recognized agency. The school is authorized under federal law to enroll nonimmigrant alien students (F1).
American English College has an ACCET accredited + SEVIS approved English language program with two campuses centrally located in Los Angeles. Our 5-star rated school is best known for our amazing teachers, affordable tuition rates, and valuable study abroad experience. The school's safe and affordable location makes it easy for students to feel comfortable while learning English in this city. We make every student feel like home, with advisors who speak your native language and housing assistance all managed through the school. Students can select an English program that focuses on their goal: Life Skills, Academic or Professional English. Our students get access the AEC pathway to over 30+ universities and community college, which mean students can gain guaranteed admission without needing a TOEFL score. Our bright, modern classrooms and monthly social calendar invite students to practice their English skills while visiting popular areas in the city. Join us in person or online (!
På American College i England, er udviklet til at opfylde behovene hos alle studerende på alle niveauer, fra begyndere til viderekomne. Med støtte fra erfarne og engagerede lærerstab, klasser er designet til at give studerende med individualiserede opmærksomhed og muligheder for peer-samarbejdet. American College i England fusionerer teknologi og innovative undervisningsmetoder til alle lektioner, skaber et undervisningsmiljø, som optimerer dit læringspotentiale. Kurserne undervises af højt uddannede lærerstab, og fokuserer på de store sproglige færdigheder: lytte, tale, læse, skrive, grammatik, ordforråd og udtale. Vi tror på kvalitet i uddannelsen starter med passionerede og dedikerede instruktører. Siden 1983, har American College i England dygtige instruktører, der har undervist i forskellige lande, giver et internationalt perspektiv på undervisningen. Alle vores instruktører har modtaget supplerende uddannelse og faglig udvikling af vores institution, med henblik på at levere en bedre undervisning til vores studerende.
Here at Rosemead College, we make it our mission to ensure our teaching is of the highest quality. We make it our goal to make sure all of our students are learning the material at an effective pace. We prioritize taking time to explain the material to each student who may need help with their work. We have hired the best fitted teachers who are excellent at teaching the English Language. We have only ever heard very positive feedback about our teachers! Feel free to explore our reviews on Google from previous students!
American English College has an ACCET accredited + SEVIS approved English language program with two campuses centrally located in Los Angeles. Our 5-star rated school is best known for our amazing teachers, affordable tuition rates, and valuable study abroad experience. The school's safe and affordable location makes it easy for students to feel comfortable while learning English in this city. We make every student feel like home, with advisors who speak your native language and housing assistance all managed through the school. Students can select an English program that focuses on their goal: Life Skills, Academic or Professional English. Our students get access the AEC pathway to over 30+ universities and community college, which mean students can gain guaranteed admission without needing a TOEFL score. Our bright, modern classrooms and monthly social calendar invite students to practice their English skills while visiting popular areas in the city. Join us in person or online!
På American College i England, er udviklet til at opfylde behovene hos alle studerende på alle niveauer, fra begyndere til viderekomne. Med støtte fra erfarne og engagerede lærerstab, klasser er designet til at give studerende med individualiserede opmærksomhed og muligheder for peer-samarbejdet. American College i England fusionerer teknologi og innovative undervisningsmetoder til alle lektioner, skaber et undervisningsmiljø, som optimerer dit læringspotentiale. Kurserne undervises af højt uddannede lærerstab, og fokuserer på de store sproglige færdigheder: lytte, tale, læse, skrive, grammatik, ordforråd og udtale. Vi tror på kvalitet i uddannelsen starter med passionerede og dedikerede instruktører. Siden 1983, har American College i England dygtige instruktører, der har undervist i forskellige lande, giver et internationalt perspektiv på undervisningen. Alle vores instruktører har modtaget supplerende uddannelse og faglig udvikling af vores institution, med henblik på at levere en bedre undervisning til vores studerende.
Lige i nærheden af strandene, er den berømte Californien Torrance sted for dem, der ønsker at leve i en upscale område ved siden af et fantastisk natteliv og shopping. Skolen ligger i Del Amo Fashion Center med en største busstation for bekvemmelighed. Interessepunkter: Redondo / Hermosa Beach Del Amo Fashion Mall Torrance Kunstmuseum Rancho Palos Verdes
Here at Rosemead College, we make it our mission to ensure our teaching is of the highest quality. We make it our goal to make sure all of our students are learning the material at an effective pace. We prioritize taking time to explain the material to each student who may need help with their work. We have hired the best fitted teachers who are excellent at teaching the English Language. We have only ever heard very positive feedback about our teachers! Feel free to explore our reviews on Google from previous students!
kr 1,350 discount for all courses and accommodations from 12-52 weeks Show details »
La Verne er en sikker og lille by, lige øst for Los Angeles. Det er nær surfing i verdensklasse strande og turistattraktioner såsom Disneyland og Universal Studios Hollywood® og berømte museer. Centret ligger på University of La Verne campus, som giver et venligt, lille by atmosfære.
Beliggende ved foden af San Gabriel Mountains, tilbyder Citrus College en fantastisk kombination af s-komfort og sikkerhed samt adgang til alle seværdigheder og kulturelle liv i Los Angeles-området. Byen Glendora, med gamle træer, gader, huser adskillige butikker, restauranter, caféer, biografer, golfbaner og mange andre fritidsaktiviteter. Det familievenlige fællesskab ligger kun 40 kilometer øst for Los Angeles og tilbyder nem adgang til områdets mest spændende attraktioner.
Learn English & live in your private teacher's home around Los Angeles with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) offers immersive language courses in 20+ languages across 30+ countries. With HLI’s unique approach, students live and learn in their teacher’s home, combining personalized one-on-one lessons with full daily language immersion. Throughout your stay, you’ll practice the language naturally—in conversations during meals, social activities, and everyday interactions. This continuous exposure accelerates progress and builds confidence in real-world communication. Enhance Your Home Tuition Programme (supplements apply): Activities: Practice your language skills through engaging activities like cooking, shopping, bowling, and sightseeing with your host. Includes transport, entrance fees, and activity costs. Cultural Visits: Explore museums and landmarks with your host as your private guide, immersing yourself in the language and culture. Includes transport and entrance fees. Sports: Enjoy three weekly sessions (unless specified otherwise) with professional instructors or family members. Includes transport, sessions, and equipment rental. Leisure: Experience local attractions, theme parks, or traditions with guided excursions. Includes entrance fees and supervised trips. Personalise Your Programme (supplements apply): Business & Specialised Courses: Improve language skills for work, including meetings, negotiations, presentations, and industry-specific vocabulary (medicine, law, marketing, etc.). Exam Preparation: Tailored courses for tests like TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge, and more. Gain confidence through structured practice, past exams, and targeted feedback. Seasonal & Online Options (supplements apply): Christmas & New Year: Celebrate with traditional festivities and seasonal activities. A supplement applies for courses covering Dec 24-26 and/or Dec 31-Jan 1.
The host are located in Los Angeles and surrounding areas.
Columbia West College (CWC) is an ACCET-accredited ESL school in Los Angeles committed to providing quality English as a Second language and test preparation instruction that equips students with the English language and test-taking skills necessary to achieve their academic, professional/vocational or personal goals. CWC will: • Provide rigorous, outcome-based, context-specific instruction that exceeds students’ expectations and is relevant and applicable to their goals • Create a supportive, positive environment, including appropriate student services, that enables students to acquire English language skills in an efficient and timely manner • Enhance students’ self-efficacy in their use of English language skills to allow the confident application of their newly-acquired skills in varied settings CWC is located on the 12th floor of an office building with convenient off-site parking. The school’s roughly 4,000 square feet are divided among 5 classrooms (with one classroom serving the dual purpose of classroom and Computer Lab), 2 administrative offices, the faculty resource/conference room, the marketing/sales office, the student lounge area, the employee break room, the records room and the reception area. Nearly all classrooms boast views of the Los Angeles skyline and are equipped with a whiteboard, a CD player, a laptop computer, an LED projector and speakers for classroom use. Students are always welcome during school hours to borrow materials from CWC’s collection of instructional and recreational books, games, CDs and DVDs to supplement their classroom instruction. Students are also always welcome to use the Computer Lab during school hours to complete homework assignments and take English proficiency practice examinations, such as the TOEFL.
Downtown Los Angeles Center ligger på Wilshire Boulevard, der løber øst til vest fra centrum Los Angeles gennem Beverly Hills til havet i Santa Monica. Universal Studios Hollywood er blot et par minutter væk med metro fra centrum. Dodger Stadium (hjemmebane for MLB-klubben Los Angeles Dodgers) og Staples Center (hjem til NBA hold Los Angeles Lakers og Los Angeles Clippers, og hjem til NHL hold Los Angeles Kings) ligger få minutter fra Centeret. Også, shopping, spisning og underholdning kan nydes på flere steder rundt om, herunder The Grove (entertainment complex), Hollywood og Beverly Hills. To øverste rangerede universiteter, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) og University af Southern California (USC), er tæt på byens centrum. Studerende på sprog systemer nyder en bred vifte af aktiviteter såsom at lave film med vores gruppe filmprojekt, gå til vores årlige Beach, Luau og Halloween partier og konkurrerer i fodbold, Basketball, beachvolley, og Bowling turneringer.
Our job as ESL educators goes far beyond simply teaching English. Its one thing to teach a student English, but it is a completely different thing to teach them the experience of English. With a forward-thinking attitude, we are constantly striving to be at the forefront of the latest technology and learning methodologies in the industry. Our curriculum is structured on a blended learning model, one that is heavily e-based and fully corpora informed. In so doing, we are able to flip our classrooms, allowing our students to dictate their own education and interact with the language as they learn it. We strongly believe in providing an authentic education, one that simulates English in action, as it exists today. It is our goal as an institution to ensure that, upon completing our program, our students have reached levels of proficiency that meet or exceed CERF standards. More importantly, however, it is our goal to endow them with capability to practically apply those skills in future pursuits, whatever they may be.
The Los Angeles campus is located in the most exciting state of the United States: California, where you find the richest people in the world! Our campus is vibrant, modern, and offers the latest technology. Our students enjoy all the possibilities our central location has to offer. Los Angeles is a trend-setting global metropolis with an extraordinary history and a rich cultural heritage. It’s known as the Entertainment Capital of the World and is home to renowned museums, along with 75 miles of sunny coastline. The dedicated staff from Harvest English Institute Los Angeles organizes monthly field trips and frequent outings to maximize students’ learning opportunities. The campus is easily accessible by bus, train, and cars. Our students are free to use our computer lab, student lounge, TVs, and library.
kr 1,125 discount for all courses from 12-52 weeks until 31 May 2025 Show details »
Tusindvis af studerende kommer til Californien hvert år for at studere engelsk, men meget få oplev en autentisk oplevelse. California Language Academy blev grundlagt på forestillingen om, at sproget er levende og pulserende. Det skal opleves for at blive fuldt ud værdsat og forstået. Vi tror på, at indlæring sker gennem hands-on, praktiske øvelse. Sproget på California Academy, vi brænder for at få viden om den enkelte person som går gennem vores døre og vi går ud af vores måde at skabe en varm og personlig klasseundervisningen. Det er dét, der gør os anderledes! Studerende kan også nyde at deltage i aktiviteter efter skole for at sikre, at de fortsætter med at lære og anvende deres færdigheder. Vi er en intim, elev-centreret, ACCET-akkrediteret, SEVP godkendt sprogskole med to Southern California lokationer. Det omkringliggende område er hjemsted for smukke kvarterer og vi er omhyggelige med at udvælge de mest omsorgsfulde homestay familierne så hver elev er helt dækket og benefifits fra et ægte fællesskab. Vi glæder os til at byde dig velkommen til vores sjove og unikke California Language Academy familie!
kr 3,900 discount for all courses from 1-52 weeks Show details »
Kings Los Angeles er beliggende lige ved Sunset Boulevard i Hollywood, det legendariske hjerte af filmindustrien. Den stilfulde bygning har været for nylig totalrenoveret og tilbyder fremragende faciliteter for læring og en fantastisk beliggenhed for at have det sjovt i denne fantastiske by. Til overnatning i Los Angeles, kan du vælge at opholde dig i en række kollegier tæt på bygningens vigtigste undervisning, eller at leve med en familie inden for rækkevidde af campus. Faciliteter -Stilfulde college bygning -veludstyrede, rummelige klasseværelser -interaktive whiteboards -studerende fælles stue med TV og video -lys og rummelig receptionsområde - Computer læring center -gratis trådløst internet og e-mail i College - Catering faciliteter -Snack bar og kaffe shop -køkken og udendørs spisestue -stort udvalg af lokale caféer og spisesteder i området
Uanset om du er studerende, en virksomhedsprofessionel, eller en rejsende, er der et sprogkursus i Garden Grove, der passer til dig. Der er engelsk sprogkurser tilgængelige for alle niveauer, aldre og varigheder. Bare vælg en kursustype fra listen herunder for at komme i gang.