Set in the heart of a 40-hectare park, our course centre offers international students an ideal setting for learning French or English, participating in immersive activities and making friends from around the world. The campus provides a safe, fun and relaxing atmosphere in a natural surrounding while being only a short train ride away from Paris. As one of the most visited cities in the world and the cultural centre of the country, participants get the opportunity after classes to visit its famous landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, the Notre-Dame Cathedral, Versailles Palace and more. They will stroll through some of the most picturesque neighbourhoods, like Montmartre, the Marais and the Latin quarter, explore the Louvre, Orsay and other famous museums, go shopping on Champs Élysées and get a taste of the famous French cuisine all the while practicing French or English. This experience will help expand their horizons and make that summer unforgettable. Our summer camp is set on a lush green campus, only 45 minutes away from the city centre. The classrooms are furnished with modern equipment offering teachers the possibility to implement a variety of innovative and personalised teaching methods for the students. Participants are accommodated in individual bedrooms with shared bathrooms. The campus also features sports grounds and several common areas perfect for our students to relax in after a busy and exciting day out and about in the city centre.
Vores campus er integreret i WeWork Lafayette, Paris' nyeste tech co-working space. Vi tilbyder intensive kurser i programmering & design web og mobile teknologier og mener, at den bedste måde at lære at kode ved at kode. Du kan vælge mellem vores Web Development kursus, som varer 9 uger eller vores UX/UI Design kursus, som varer 8 uger. Vores mål er at hjælpe vores elever nå mærkbare resultater ved at levere de mest praktisk og hands-on erfaring. Vores læreplan er konstant revideret og gentog at følge de mest skærende-hjørne ændringer i branchen. Vi tilbyder karriere tjenester med en jobplacering sats på 75% i de første 3 måneder efter eksamen. Optagelses uge finder sted umiddelbart efter eksamen. I løbet af denne uge, top-tier virksomheder besøg vores campus til at føre både reel & mock interviews kodning, give udfordringer, evaluering af vores studerende og andre proaktive feedback til Ironhack kandidater. Hvorfor tilmelde sig Ironhack Paris? I hjertet af Paris' Tech økosystem Paris er hastigt ved at blive den næststørste tech hub i Europa. Vores studerende drage fordel af en super dynamisk og innovativ økosystem i sektorer som SaaS, Kunstig intelligens, Cloud Computing og tingenes internet. Byen af drømme Uanset hvad du leder efter, kan du finde det i Paris. Du kan nyde klassisk musik i Paris Nationalopera, spille arcade spil på La Tête Dans Les Nuages, have et håndværk øl eller danse hele natten lang i Pigalle. Et fantastisk kvarter Vores campus ligger i det 9. kvarter ('arrondissement"), et af de bedste steder i Paris, kun få gader fra den berømte Opéra og andre historiske bygninger. Lykke på arbejdspladsen Hver uge vores studerende opfordres til fantastiske begivenheder. Fra mandag til fredag, brunch Yoga Vi har alt hvad du behøver for at være lykkelige og produktive.
The host are located in Paris and surrounding areas.
Welcome to EP Paris! Our school is located in a safe and secure part of Paris and offers a vibrant range of language courses, multiple social activities, and an opportunity to culturally immerse yourself in the city. Enrol in our French and English courses for a fun, practical, and effective learning experience. Our Paris school is located in a safe, central area with easy access to subway and bus stations. The campus features modern facilities and top-notch equipment, enhancing your learning experience. We offer diverse courses supported by our experienced team, ensuring a high-quality educational journey. At EP, our dedicated team of approachable, qualified professionals is committed to helping you master English and French in the vibrant city of Paris. Studying with us offers more than just language lessons. It's an opportunity to immerse yourself in a multicultural environment and connect with students from around the world. Join us today and embark on a transformative language-learning journey in Paris.
Wander through iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre, stroll along the Seine and dive into Parisian culture. Our programme offers fun activities, from museum visits to picnics in beautiful parks, to croissant baking, turning each day in Paris into an unforgettable adventure.
Uanset om du er studerende, en virksomhedsprofessionel, eller en rejsende, er der et sprogkursus i Nanterre, der passer til dig. Der er engelsk sprogkurser tilgængelige for alle niveauer, aldre og varigheder. Bare vælg en kursustype fra listen herunder for at komme i gang.