I de seneste 20 år, har mere end 10000 udenlandske studerende opdaget det italienske sprog og den italienske kultur på Scuola Toscana, og gang på gang hører vi fra dem, at deres kæreste minder inddrager skolen og dens menneskelige faktor: medstuderende, undervisere, vejledere, personale, folk mødte på arbejde. Scuola Lombardia studerende har venner over hele verden, og kommer tilbage til dem igen og igen. Scuola Lombardia er anerkendt af det italienske undervisningsministerium. Vores italiensk sprogskole er beliggende i Firenze, Renæssancen, i hjertet af Toscana, midt i det smukke Chianti-bakkerne. Du vil fortælle du har gået på gaderne, hvor Michelangelo, Dante Alighieri, Leonardo da Vinci gik. Komme til Scuola Lombardia: Italiensk sprog i sit bedste og sine bedste steder, Firenze. Studèr et fremmedsprog og få en enestående værktøj: at have et konkret kendskab til det italienske sprog. Fordelene ved Scuola Lombardia er: - Højst 8 elever pr. klasse. - Startdatoer hver to uger, 12 måneder om året. - Kurser fra 1 uge op til 3 år. - Bistand til visumprocedure for lang varighed kurser - Overnatning program: et bredt udvalg af lejligheder og udvalgte familier i Firenze (ingen provision) - Færdighed evaluering når et kursus er afsluttet, forskellige certifikater og diplomer (Accademia Italiana di Lingua og Università per Stranieri di Siena). - Kundeservice: bistand og høflighed, "ingen overraskelse" priser. - Middle School størrelse, ikke for lille, ikke for stor, fra 60 til 100 studerende pr. måned Scuola Toscana er en skole i italiensk sprog og kultur for udlændinge, beliggende i hjertet af det historiske centrum af Firenze. Scuola Lombardia, er anerkendt med Presa d'obligatorisk disposition for det italienske undervisningsministerium og er et stolt medlem af: - A.I.L. (Accademia Italiana di Lingua); - ASILS (Sammenslutningen af skoler i italiensk som fremmedsprog). Skolen samarbejder ligeledes med voksenuddannelse afdeling af Firenzes bystyre. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hver italiensk sprogkursus på små hold (maks. 8 studerende): dette gør det muligt for læreren at følge alle studerende personligt, og den studerende til virkelig at øve det italienske sprog. Når du kommer til Scuola Toscana er du blandt studerende fra hele verden, i alle aldre og med forskellige interesser: finder man gode venner, kan-være resten af dit liv! Direkte metode i undervisningen for de seks niveauer af alle vores italienske sprogkurser
Skolen, som har taget sit navn efter michelangelos berømte skulptur, blev oprettet i 1983, der er officielt godkendt af det italienske ministerium for uddannelse og er åbent hele året rundt. Det er beliggende i hjertet af det historiske centrum af Firenze, på 3. sal i et borgerligt palace (med elevator) opført i slutningen af 1800-tallet og renoveret for nylig. Det ligger i et område, der huser banker og verdensomspændende berømte modebutikker. Domkirken, togstationen og de vigtigste monumenter og museer ligger alle inden for gåafstand (5-10 minutters gang) fra skolen. Alle værelserne er udstyrede med aircondition, de er rummelige og lyse med store borde og komfortable stole. Alt, hvad der skal leveres, så eleverne kan føle sig trygge og energiske i deres undervisning. Skolen er udstyret med trådløs forbindelse, som den studerende frit kan benytte. På øverste etage af skolen, er der en dejlig terrasse, hvorfra studerende kan nyde en betagende udsigt over Firenze. Alle lærerne er italiensk modersmål højttalere og har en grad. Klasser har højst 12 og mindst 4 studerende, det gennemsnitlige antal elever pr. klasse er 7/8. Skolen tilbyder forskellige og interessante program af fritidsaktiviteter , ca. 20-30 pr. måned. Skolen tilbyder elever og en gratis overnatning Søg efter enhver form for anmodning og under opholdet i Firenze. Skolen tilbyder forskellige kurser i Italiensk sprog og kultur. Kurser fra 2 til 6 timers undervisning pr. dag, lessons for par, elevers og studerendes erfaringer for grupper, individuelle lektioner, kombinerede kurser i Italiensk, kunsthistorie, italiensk, italiensk madlavning, italienske mode, kunsthåndværk, kombinerede forløb med praktik, sommerkursus. Kurser i italiensk sprog er inddelt i seks niveauer for sprogkundskaber. Klasser har højst 12 og mindst 4 studerende, det gennemsnitlige antal elever pr. klasse er 7/8. Alle lærerne er italiensk modersmål højttalere og har en grad.
Learn Italian & live in your private teacher's home around Florence with Home Language International! Home Language International (HLI) is a family-run business offering language courses in more than 20 languages in over 30 countries worldwide, including Italian lessons at an experienced private teacher's home in Italy. More than 5,000 students take advantage of our services every year. Ian Josephs, Danielle Josephs, their 5 adult children and an expert team of dedicated staff all put in very long hours for HLI. You stay in an experienced teacher's family home, have one-to-one Italian lessons and then continue to use the language during the rest of your stay in Florence. Because you are the only student, you are guaranteed individual attention. The lessons are completely designed for you, so the teacher will focus exactly on what you need. Mealtime conversation, television and social contacts are all in Italian. All of our teachers in Italy have a university degree (or equivalent) and/or a recognised teaching certificate. All teachers have been visited by one of our local organisers. Their qualifications have been checked and their homes throughly inspected. During your stay in Florence, a local organiser will monitor your progress and make sure your experience is both happy and successful. Home Language International (HLI) is accredited by the Accreditation Body for Language Services (ABLS), Association of Language Travel Organisations (ALTO), and UNOSEL.
ITALIANOFULLIMMERSION is not just a language school, it is an immersive cultural experience that will change the way you see the world. Our approach to language learning is based on the idea that language is best learned in context, through meaningful interaction with native speakers and immersion in the culture. Our experienced and passionate teachers will guide you through your language journey, helping you to develop not only your linguistic skills but also your cultural awareness and appreciation. At ITALIANOFULLIMMERSION, we understand that language learning can be challenging, which is why we have created a supportive and welcoming environment where students feel comfortable practicing their skills and making mistakes. Our small class sizes and personalized attention ensure that each student receives individualized support and guidance throughout their studies. Additionally, our extensive range of courses, from intensive language courses to cultural immersion programs, means that students can find the perfect program to meet their unique needs and goals. As a student here, you will have the opportunity to connect with other students and locals through our social events, cultural activities, and excursions. Whether you are cooking traditional Tuscan cuisine with new friends, exploring the art and architecture of Florence, or simply enjoying a glass of wine at a local enoteca, you will find that studying at ITALIANOFULLIMMERSION is an experience that will stay with you for a lifetime.
Our staff and our goal - The Founders of the school, Anja Schultz and Andrea Moradei, having had more than 30 years of experience in the field of Cultural Tourism, have created this new initiative, better-designed to satisfy the needs of both Italians, and foreigners. From Italian Language, to Art, Photography and the Crafts From an initial idea of offering a range of activities concentrating on Italian Language and Culture for foreign students, the need became obvious to open a general Cultural Centre, aimed at both Italian and foreign users, offering firstly a Learning opportunity, which can subsequently become a Professional opportunity. Professional staff for every area of study, at your disposal Sessions with professionals of all types: Photographers, Graphic Designers, Painters, Sculptors, Video Makers and Craftspeople have enabled us to delve deeply into a wide-range of subjects, with the idea of also enhancing future job opportunities. For non-Italians we have created a series of custom courses to be able to learn the Italian Language, directly inspired by, and designed for, the various reasons that you’d like to speak Italian. In the light of this new approach, it was obvious for us to include a collaboration with our Centro Italiano in Naples, who have been working in this field for many years, with great success. These are our collaborators: Eleonora Nistri -Language and Italian culture Franco Guardascione – Photography Francesco D’Isa – Graphics for Advertising and Creative Writing Marcello Fittipaldi – Video production and Web design Serena Guidobaldi – Food Storytelling Accademia d’Arte – Art Le Arti Orafe – Goldsmithing Decorazioni e Pitture – Artisan Production Abacus – Bookbinding Our location - The classes at Centro Italiano take place in a historic building, in the tree-lined Piazza D’Azeglio, a 19th century square. Two minutes from the school you’ll find the S.Ambrogio district, with its old food and flea markets. It’s an area that has maintained its own identity, where mainly Florentines live, and it’s away from the flow of group tourism. Small shops, artisan workshops, cafes, restaurants and theatres make this part of Florence particularly pleasant and lively. Not far away are Santa Croce square, the Dome, the University, and some of the city’s most important museums. The area is served by most city bus lines, so you can quickly and easily reach any part of the city. The school offers spacious and bright classrooms, free WIFI, and a peaceful garden.
The ABC School of Florence has been teaching the Italian Language and Culture to students from all over the world since 1982. In all these years we have improved our offerings to better face the real needs of our students. The ABC School of Florence carries out research in the field of linguistics and pedagogy according to the “Direct Teaching Method”: from the first day on, in all levels, only Italian will be spoken. Students are encouraged to practice verbal communication with their teachers so that they may learn Italian naturally, increasing their knowledge quickly and with confidence. With their teacher students practice their spoken Italian in real-life situations. Classes of maximum 10 students, a wide range of courses (Standard or Intensive courses for beginners, intermediate and advanced levels, professional courses, cultural courses and art courses, preparation for exams...), interesting and enriching activities conducted by our teachers, visits to museums and churches in Florence with our teachers who are also licensed tour guides and its position in the heart of Florence make of the ABC the ideal school to study Italian.
The Leonardo da Vinci school is located in an historical palazzo, situated in the heart of the city of Florence, with a magnificent view of the Cathedral. From here you can reach the most beautiful and famous places in the city in only few minutes walk. Our school occupies an entire building of 3 floors and with 15 spacious and light classrooms. The first floor is dedicated to recreational activities, where you can read the paper, have a coffee with your friends and do your homework. On the first floor there are the classrooms, the secretary and the multimedia classroom with free internet service. Scuola Leonardo da Vinci offers a wide range of high-quality Italian language courses, conceived for any level, from beginner to advanced, all the year round! Courses start every Monday except for beginners and students can stay for 1 week only as well as for many weeks and months. Our school organizes interesting leisure activities every week during afternoon and evening. Our 40 years of experience make us a well-established and reliable reality in the world of language schools. We are very proud of our professional and friendly staff, who do their best to make every student's stay unique in terms both of language learning and of cultural experience. Our teaching method is influenced by modern didactics and is designed according to the 'Concept of Foreign Languages' of the European Council and the guidelines of the ''Accademia Italiana di Lingua (AIL)". We follow a communicative method: from the first day of lessons and at each ability level, only Italian is spoken in class. We put particular emphasis on spoken language and on communication, but also deal with the 4 base abilities (reading, writing, oral comprehension and speaking). Lessons are interesting, interactive and also fun, organized in a relaxed atmosphere in which learning is done naturally. Text books are supported by authentic material, like newspapers, magazines and video, that facilitate learning about contemporary Italy and the many different aspects of Italian culture. Our teachers, experts in teaching Italian to foreign students, are there for the students, to guide them, motivate them and help them in their learning. In addition, through the years Scuola Leonardo da Vinci has developed its own teaching method. The books have been conceived for speeding up the learning process of Italian language. Grammar is presented in a logic and organized way, followed by examples and a wide range of practical exercises and short stories that give both students and teachers many opportunities for making conversation in Italian language. All the programmes have been thought in order to reach your goals, independently from the duration of the course. Having a deep knowledge of Italian grammar (through the continuous practice of writing, reading and speaking in real situations) is the principle which Scuola Leonardo da Vinci’s method is based on.
Ved ankomst i Firenze skal studerende gå direkte til deres lejlighed eller værtsfamilie. Indkvarterings adresse meddeles på forhånd til kursisten eller rejsebureau sammen med et telefonnummer på familie/udlejer og et nødopkaldsnummer. Hos forsinkelser, bedes studerende at kalde disse nummer for at underrette værtsfamilien/udlejer. Skolen er lukket lørdag og søndag. Skolen ligger på 2. sal i bygningen, i hjertet af den gamle bymidte i Firence. Der er en lounge hvor studerende kan tilbringe tid i deres pauser eller efter lektioner, et bibliotek med bøger og dvd'er, et klaver og et internethjørne. De 16 store airconditionerede klasseværelser er udstyret med projektorer og trådløst internet. Denne feriebolig ligger i skolens lokaler.
The premises of the school are on the fourth floor, where we have the reception and 7 classrooms available for our students: a modern and functional furnished environment, equipped with free wifi and air conditioning. Here you will find a familiar and professional space, where our students attend Italian classes in small groups or will have private Italian lessons. The location is also equipped for events and extracurricular activities such as film screenings or seminars. Our students are the protagonists of the learning path. The goal is to accompany them to discover the Italian language in a natural and pleasant way. The greatest success comes when students tell us that while speaking the Italian language they discover a new part of themselves and day by day the language becomes familiar. The teaching method derives from the most modern theories that emphasize skills in communication. Groups are small; we guarantee a maximum of 8 students. The lessons are carefully built on the needs and skills of the participants in the group. Both in the courses in person and in the online Italian lessons at every level, the Italian teacher uses the Italian language in class and always updated teaching techniques to develop the four basic skills: speaking with an Italian accent, listening and understanding the authentic language, reading and writing in Italian. In addition to the textbook, audiovisual materials are used and the lesson is always supported by the most modern technologies to make the interaction between students and teacher dynamic and the environment friendly and relaxing. Last, but not least, to support the work to be done at home, every day students receive an email in which they find all the lesson developed in the classroom, and they can use the audiovisual materials of the textbook provided by the school.
Where else should you learn Italian than in the city that gave birth to fine arts - and where eating typical Tuscan dishes and local sourced produce in Trattorie is as good as it gets? We highly recommend you opt for InFlorence Academy, the first language school established in Florence, located in a 16th Century building that strongly evokes the Renaissance period. The school is surrounded by world famous sights, the cosiest of cafés and most intriguing of markets. Crossing the Ponte Vecchio to get your daily dose of Italian gelato and espresso will be just one of the many things you will do while experiencing Florence’s artistic ambience.
Vores studerende kommer fra hele verden, og de har meget forskellige motivationer, forskellige tidligere elevers og studerendes erfaringer og forskellige måder at lære på og endda forskellige typer skole. Denne situation kræver en løbende opdatering samt mental fleksibilitet og kreativitet. Læreren har flere roller i klassen som alle er uundværlige: facilitator, entertainer, sproglig Konsulent og udbreder af kultur. Dette indebærer en eksperimenterende tilgang til faget og konstant fokus på gruppedynamik. Teksterne og multimedia undervisningsmaterialer som vi bruger er resultatet af løbende forskning og udvikling for at tilpasse dem til de krav, der må stilles til de studerende. Bortset fra grammatik og syntaks, er der fire færdigheder - læse, skrive, lytte og tale - som vi finder nødvendig for at kunne udvikle lige fra første niveau, for at give forståelse og udtryk i autentiske kommunikative situationer. Med henblik herpå Situationer simuleres i klasseværelset ved at anvende autentisk undervisningsmateriale.Strukturer og ordforråd er tilpasset til de lavere niveauer og bliver mere og mere komplekse, indtil, på avancerede niveauer anvendes forskellige typer af tekster for at fremme genkendelsen af forskellige sproglige stilarter.
The host are located in Florence and surrounding areas.
Parola School is an Italian language institute that holds its courses in the historic center of Florence. Parola School's excellent location and its selection of courses make it an ideal place to study Italian. Our language center offers various language courses, from group classes to individual lessons to combined categories (group and one-on-one). Our Italian language students can choose from intensive, online, short-duration, and CILS preparation courses. In short, our school participants can opt for a few hours of weekly lessons up to 40 or 60 hours a week. Parola is airconditioned in all the classrooms. Moreover, it provides an elevator for all its international students. Our Italian language school also organizes free time activities for its students. We offer a weekly social and leisure calendar to invite students to practice their Italian language skills while visiting the famous locations of interest in and around Florence. On top of that, Parola School also specializes in tailor-made Italian language courses for students of all ages and nationalities. For more than 30 years, Parola School has been offering its Italian language courses in the heart of Florence. Our Italian lessons are held in a pleasant and friendly environment. Our institute headquarters provides elevators and air conditioning in all the classrooms. Our Italian language students can meet new friends and have a great immersion in the Italian language and culture, thanks to Parola's multiple cultural free-time activities. Parola Language Center offers its courses to students of all nationalities and ages. Our language school offers group courses, private lessons, or combined language classes (group plus private). All our language courses are held with professionalism, vivacity, and friendliness. Our teachers are all native speakers and with their experience can also create a very social atmosphere in the class. Parola Italian language school offers a lot of advantages for learning Italian in Florence: - CILS certified center to obtain the most important certificate of Italian competence - Individual and group Italian language courses with six grammar levels - Combined courses (group + private) - Online Italian Courses with no more than 5 - 6 students - Maximum of 12 students with an average of 6 - 7 students per class - Courses for students of all ages and nationalities - Competitive course prices with free-of-charge social activities - Evening Italian language lessons until 8:00 pm, Monday to Friday - Italian language lessons for Au-Pairs in Tuscany - Additional courses such as lessons in Italian cooking, painting classes, or drawing Parola School has a very strategic location in the historic center of Florence. Our school is located in a culturally very vibrant neighborhood of the city with a wide array of Italian restaurants and coffee shops where students can enjoy the fantastic nightlife of Florence. Parola School is close to the Church of Santa Croce and a 10-minute walk from Ponte Vecchio, Piazza Della Signoria, and the Uffizi Gallery. Moreover, students can reach the Arno River in 5 minutes on foot to enjoy the beautiful sights of Florence from Ponte Alle Grazie.
Den intensive italienske sprogkurser udbydes ved Det Europæiske Universitetsinstitut i Firenze Galilei er specielt udviklet til mennesker med kun lidt tid til at studere, og ønsker at få mest muligt ud af det: - Alle mennesker i alle aldre, som studerer italiensk til eget brug eller til passion - Elever, der har brug for at forberede deres italienske undersøgelser - Erhvervsfolk, der har brug for det italienske sprog for arbejde Èn-til-èn kurser er kendetegnet ved de enkelte uddannelser, som er skræddersyet til de sproglige behov og profil af hver elev under hensyntagen til hans/hendes sproglige baggrund, alder, motivation og læring. På den måde er det muligt at fokusere på særlige aspekter af sproget, som f.eks. grammatik, samtale, udtale osv. og/eller medtage ordforrådet i det italienske sprog du bruger til dit arbejde / studie. I processen med at lære et sprog at være konstant følges af en erfaren underviser og praktiserer den italienske strukturer aktivt i denne periode gør det muligt at accelerere meget hurtig læring. En uge efter vores èn-til-èn kurser, svarer til ca. en måned med en normal stor gruppe klasse. Uddannelsen udvikler sig ifølge de daglige resultater. Vores èn-til-èn italienske sprogkurser kan findes sted til en hver ønsket dag. På anmodning, kan kurser også fortsættes i weekenden og på helligdage for at få fuldt udbytte af dit ophold i Firenze. Undervisningsmetoden med personlige programmer: - Vurdering af elevens sproglige behov og karakteristika. Afhængig af den studerendes profil beslutning om at fremme en mere konversation eller teknisk-Syntaktiske tilgang til undervisningen. --Individualisering af elevens personlige interesser for at sikre, at kursets indhold (emner af samtaler, oplæsninger, skrifter osv.) er af hans/hendes interesse, som bidrager til at lette indlæringsprocessen. - Udvælgelse af de bedst egnede instrumenter og deres anvendelse, såsom samtaleteknik aktiviteter, audiovisuelt materiale, artikler fra aviser eller anmeldelser osv.; - Kontrol af indlæringsprocesser: små tests, guidede samtaler, graduerede øvelser for at verificere resultaterne af de forskellige faser af læring, og at foretage en noejagtig afgraensning af de igangværende studier program. - Tolkning af de opnåede resultater, således at den studerende er bevidst om hvad han/hun har lært. Faciliteter Værelserne på vores skole er udstyret med aircondition, audio-visuelle system-stereooptagelses- anlæg og en computer til at træne grammatik og oprette forbindelse til internettet.
Skolen tilbyder italienske sprogkurser, praktisk kunst og kunsthåndværk kurser, italiensk madlavning kurser. Stemningen er munter og uformel som påkrævet, når kommunikationen er rettet mod et bestemt formål. Vores undervisere er nøje udvalgte, veluddannede og jævnligt ajourført. Alle undervisere har mange års erfaring, der giver dem optimalt deal med elever i forskellige aldre, kulturelle baggrunde og bevæggrunde. Vores undervisere er i stand til at forvandle multikulturel undervisning i tværkulturel dem, samtidig med at de har en rolle som entertainer, sproglig konsulent og facilitator. Medlem af: TANDEM® International - Den Internationale Sammenslutning af Sprogskoler, der er involveret i forskning og anvendelse af pædagogiske metoder baseret på sproglige og kulturelle udvekslinger. ASILS - Association of Schools af italiensk som fremmedsprog EDUITALIA - International uddannelse, sammenslutningen af skoler og universiteter udbyder kurser for udenlandske studerende ALTO Association of Language Travel organisationer - gennem Tandem International Anerkendelser: Officiel anerkendelse af undervisningsministeriet. ISO 9001:2008 kvalitetscertificering. Opfylder UNI ISO 29990:2010. Akkrediteringer: Fra regionen Toscana som uddannelsesmæssigt. European Language Label. Trasnational projekter | Life Long Learning. CSN - Latvijas centrala Studiestöds Nämnden BildungsUrlaub (Hamborg og Berlin)
Jeg var glad for at finde ud af, hvad jeg havde brug for at lære for fremtiden. Af de 3 lærere, jeg havde, var 2 meget gode. Den anden tilgiv mig, men hun var ikke forberedt til timen!. tabt en masse tid på at nulstille. Placeringen var fantastisk!.... more
Det var rart, at elevtallet var så højt, at de kunne danne 9 forskellige niveauer. Smukke gamle bygninger - med meget dårlig akustik. Lærere i den øverste ende. Samtaletime med for lidt samtale og ikke-interessant emne - der er så mange ting at... more
Uanset om du er studerende, en virksomhedsprofessionel, eller en rejsende, er der et sprogkursus i Florence, der passer til dig. Der er italiensk sprogkurser tilgængelige for alle niveauer, aldre og varigheder. Bare vælg en kursustype fra listen herunder for at komme i gang.